Subject: Self made Myth...(deconstructed inside)

Who are the people that mentor me?

(I'm also going to tell you who I DON'T take advice from)

My mentors:

One is a 7 figure business earner.

Another is my partner.

Another is a personal friend.

These are my 3 closest advisors.... self-made is a myth...EVERYONE needs help and support.

But do you know who I NEVER take advice from?

My old college professor...

You see, professors and teachers give you the facts...they're experts on a subject and educate you on the principles...

But it's actually the process of INVOLVEMENT in something that makes a person learn...

In the time I've been out of school, I've NEVER once asked him for advice... because he's not prepared for the reality of business...

He only taught theory and has no actual experience.

My closest advisors all had experience...

The way to learn best is to try something and adapt to reality...

and find someone who did to help you along...

If you want a life you want, start building it and ask for help when and where you need it.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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