Subject: Reinventing yourself later in life...

How many versions of your life have you lead?

Ask any Baby Boomer and its been a number...

I've been many things over my life span now...

The guilt of being seen as a "failure" keeps many people stuck where they are...

I just got the newer version of my IPhone and was embarrassed:

Some of the apps froze and I had to spend a couple of days working out all the bugs that kept it working properly...

But once I finally was new and improved and better than before...

The old one didn't run as smoothly and had a poorer performance...

Life can be like that:

Many stay stagnant or don't venture trying a new "upgrade" for something for the fear it won't work out...

But once the bugs are fixed it provides a better experience...

The human brain is actually the most sophisticated computer in the world:

able to think creatively and independently of any operating system or exterior programming...

Yet it is the ONLY computer that will reject programming that it perceives will cause a system crash...

The telephone is almost 150 years old and is being reinvented...

You're more capable and adaptable than ANY piece of hardware...

It's never too late to upgrade...

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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