Subject: Read this if you’ve been burned before!

Hey There,

I heard a quote recently from Tom Bilyeu where he said:

“Money only spends once; knowledge monetizes forever.”

And it got me thinking about people who often say they’ve been “burned” by programs and are skeptical about continuing to invest in themselves.

But here’s the thing:

If you invest in something, whether it’s a high-end mastermind, a DIY course, an automated platform, or just a book….

And you feel like you didn’t get anything out of it…

You’re looking at things the wrong way.

Are there people out there charging astronomical prices for programs and services that leave you hanging and don’t give an adequate amount of support to justify the price?

Unfortunately, yes.

And those suck.

Especially when results are promised, or even guaranteed!

But if nothing else, when you invest in something, and it doesn’t work out for you…

You come out the other side knowing what to look for the next time around… and what to avoid.

You learn to become a better decision-maker.

You learn to be more selective.

And those are crucial skills for any entrepreneur.

In other words, you STILL gained knowledge—even if it wasn’t the sort of knowledge you were hoping for.

And you can capitalize on that knowledge for the rest of your life.

Money will ALWAYS come and go…

And more of it will come into you as long as you continue investing in yourself in spite of one or two “bad” situations.

But I can promise you this:

If you STOP investing in yourself just because you’ve been “burned” in the past…

You will not get to where you want to be as quickly as you would like...

You WILL stagnate your personal growth…

You MUST continue investing in yourself.

And one last thing:

The world of online entrepreneurs is a pretty small one.

And I can tell you this: 95% of them are good people doing great things in the world.

The other 5%? Well, they get snuffed out pretty quickly and disappear.

So don’t let one or two bad apples spoil your faith or stop you from making good decisions when it comes to your growth.

To Your Success,

Ron & Carole

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