Subject: Power: knowledge is the ammo..

The power of the 2% CONTROLS the 98...

Actually that's a myth...

It's a misconception that money makes people evil, immoral, or prone to selfish actions...

Most of those people were just dickhe@ds anyway...

And money just amplifies what was there in such a way that they become even more so:

Inflicting more damage to people on greater and wider scale...

Despite what you may believe, many rich people have good intentions...built with a strong desire to help others do better...

What I restore in people is their faith to create a life by their own design...

rather than live out the rest of their lives in a soul sucking existence...each day more monotonous then than last...

I'm often asked WHY do I share this...shouldn't I keep it a secret?


I give people their power...and they become powerful...only to help others reclaim their power too...

Money hasn't corrupted me nor made me selfish...

So if you feel like the 98% being controlled and you'll say you don't have money...

Find someone who will help you earn it that actually wants you to for your own sake...

Chat soon,

Carole & Ron

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