Subject: Please Stop!!

This gets under my skin and drives me crazy...

It's right around this time some people are in the final stages of paying taxes and they become the most fearful of all...

Of course, I hate seeing people struggle but:

Saying things like:

"I don't have any money"

"The money I have just got gobbled up"

"I still have more to pay"

Makes people more fearful seemingly in my experience than almost any time of year...

I'll break this down real simple for those that may be afraid:

What I do MAKES thousands of dollars a client...

Break down taxes to their most basic form: you PAY thousands of dollars...

It's the same process basically... the only difference is one helps you make money...the other takes it away...

If you can accept and believe that for a moment then you can also understand this:

Money can go into your bank account through doing online work...

Or information can go in one ear and out the other...

Yes, it's that simple broken down.

Chat soon,

Carole & Ron

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