Subject: No way out?

How will it all turn out?

..and do you have an exit plan?

If I were to ask you a simple question about HOW your late stages of life look like...

Do you know?

Is it mapped out and do you have a guarantee it will work out for you in the end?

Do you know where you're going to live?

What hobbies you'll undertake?

Have you built security in your life?

Most people tell me the truth:


Here's the thing:

When I worked in oil and gas, I KNEW the exact number of years (even months) it was going to take me to leave my 9-5...

...and because I did, I started looking for an alternate that was faster...

I saw where I was going and took action to avoid a future I didn't want...

Most people fail to plan...

Do you have a plan?

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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