Subject: New from Harvard...thought you’d like this

I just read an article by Kathleen K. Reardon in the Harvard Business Review called “Courage as a Skill.”

It was an interesting article and a worthwhile read.

Kathleen K. Reardon is a persuasion, negotiation, leadership, workplace
politics, and gender expert.

And she made a strong case for courage.

Kathleen said courage isn’t an impulsive action. It's not a life-or-death
moment or an action that you have to take.

To Kathleen, courage is a special kind of risk-taking that’s developed and sharpened over time.

The article dives into various topics around the workplace. But the main point is Kathleen's thought that courage has to be put into action.

And since a lot of good things in life come after a courageous act, the result of taking a big step is BIG results.

I’ve spoken a lot about courage.

Courage is a muscle you have to work on daily. It doesn’t work unless you exercise it.

To become a master of anything, you have to have courage.

Because how can you become great if you don’t have the courage to try?

As entrepreneurs, it’s important that we keep putting our feet to the fire,
and keep doing HARD things.

But whether it's doing something new or trying AGAIN after failing, we find it hard.

For a lot of humans, asking for help is THE hard thing.

We sometimes see it as admitting defeat or like we’re a failure because we couldn’t do what we wanted to do alone.

But asking for help is actually the opposite of defeat or failure.

Asking for help takes the greatest COURAGE because it forces you to see that you don’t have all the answers.

And how can we?

None of us are experts in every subject, but if you allow yourself to learn,
there is no limit to what you can do.

Asking for help makes you smarter and braver than most people.

And courage is all you need to start.

Have a great week,

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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