Subject: My most deadly and formidable opponent...

Like ever...

Believe it or not, I've been in some pretty tough confrontations before...

Do you know what it was that was so tough an adversary?


When I became an Entrepreneur I was afraid of what I might grow into...

I mean I didn't cry like a little girl...

But I was afraid...

More specifically I was afraid that by trying to become one it would actually take me longer to be successful than the path I was on already...

And so I was comparing myself to others who were already more successful and beating myself up for it...

and it actually caused me to hesitate briefly when I started...wondering whether or not I'd feel foolish if I didn't recreate their success as quickly...

And once I created their success I realized how I'd actually changed:

Becoming healthier, more educated, and more financially literate, and I also learned the importance of self-respect...

I'm just setting a new level of success now even higher than before...

and I'm not going to compare myself to anyone else any longer to avoid that fear from stopping me...

So if the fear of comparison is stopping you, just know the person you look up probably just found it sooner than you did...

You can create the same success if you don't let that fear stop you from moving forward...

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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