Subject: My dirty confession about freedom!

With tensions between Russia & Ukraine at an all-time high...

Restrictions going away and then coming back...

What’s true freedom in 2022?

For us, it’s independence.

Independence in the sense that you can do your own thing...

WITHOUT it being affected by outside circumstances.

Safety, if you will.

Think of it as:

No one can “fire” you from your own life.

Something is quite clear to me.

It’s clear that when someone else is in charge of your life, it’s VERY easy for things to go wrong.

Be it the government...


It’s the same for those that are online business owners, too...

Without you controlling every factor – control freak vibes, I know – you have very little independence and...

Have you noticed that already wealthy people BARELY got affected in the last 2 years?

I don’t mean it just from a financial standpoint.

Rather the fact that no matter what restrictions are there...

They can simply hop on a private jet and circumvent everything that’s happening.

Or they can just rent out a venue for a “private party” and do whatever.

Have you noticed that?

To me, it’s incredible.

Because we live in a world where the difference in independence and freedom between people is becoming more & more obvious by the day.

And here’s my dirty confession….

I’m land-locked here in Canada.

It’s very hard to leave.


My family’s well-being is unaffected (Thank God).

The last 2 years have been the most profitable for online business owners.

So if it wasn’t for the government, We’d be spending some time this winter on a beach somewhere!!

I’m not saying all of this to brag.

But to paint a picture for you.

A picture where it’s CRYSTAL clear that independence is important to achieve now more than ever!

Now I can’t offer you a private jet.

Or a rented out the venue for private parties.

But if you’ve been yearning to get one step closer to freedom in the last 2 years...

We can help out.

There’s certainly work involved.

But you’ve done SO much in life and invested in yourself already.

I’m sure you’re capable.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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