Subject: My definition of insanity....

Most of us have our own idea of what insanity is.

Maybe it’s people who put pineapple on pizza.

Maybe it's the idea of working a "job" for the rest of your life

Or maybe it’s just getting out of bed at 5 am to meditate.

Whatever your view of insanity is…it does have a definition.

And the first one to define it was Albert Einstein.

He said: “it's doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.”

Basically what he meant was this:

It would be insanity to expect 50 + 50 to equal 200...

Or continue eating doughnuts for breakfast and expect to actually get the body you want...

Or more business-related…doing exactly what you’ve been doing for the past 1-5 years and expecting things to change.

Like posting only authentic pics on Instagram, and expect people to flood your DMs.

Or flooding other people's DMs with spammy sales messages...

Spend a load of money on FB ads… for no one to invest in your services.

That’s technically “insane.” You’re doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

This may come off as harsh news.

But the only reason I’m here talking to you and trying to warn you...

Is because we care.

Because we've been there ourselves.

Then we discovered a super simple way to bring people into our business.

Not just people. But the RIGHT people. Who were willing to invest AND work hard…

That’s when our lives changed.

So the choice is ultimately yours.

Do you want to do something about your current business/situation?

If so, we can help.

The thing is taking action doesn’t have to be difficult…but only YOU can do it.

There's no reason to be scared of being sold to if the thing you buy will change your life.

Send us a message to take action now. 

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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