Subject: Monday Morning coffee together!

Happy Monday!

If you could only attain 1 goal from building your business, what would it be?

Money? A big house? A new car? Time freedom?

For me, it always boils down to freedom. Freedom of all kinds. There's no amount of money in this world that would make me happy if it took away my freedom.

And in today's online space, I see way too many people get trapped in social media techniques and strategies that take away their freedom.

For example...

Making tons of reels on Instagram to keep the algorithm happy.

Making tons of Tik Toks which can be really time-consuming.

Sure, it’s what Instagram and Tik Tok recommend, and I can appreciate the creativity… but it can be a lot.

And these are strategies that come and go...only to leave some people to burn out and give up on their dreams because they think it's the only way to build their business.

You may have noticed that I don't do reels or Tik Toks. I also don't hop on Clubhouse every day or any day for that matter.

I stick to a simple content creation plan.

I keep it simple and this simple plan allows me to generate leads and sales.

Regardless of whether I'm at the beach, hiking, working, traveling, sleeping.

If you're also someone who wants to create a business that revolves around your lifestyle and not the other way around...

I've made it my passion to free entrepreneurs from all walks of life from the fly-by-night strategies so they can instead start building their business on a solid business foundation that will last them a lifetime.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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