Subject: Life is Short, Make it Sweet...

The time will come when you will wish you had more time, and money, your job, and even your business won’t matter.

The time will come when despite working hard under someone else’s umbrella, you might not even have enough money to feed your own family, and you will wish you had done things differently and followed your heart sooner.

The time will come when you might be told you can’t take time off because the boss said no.

The time will come when you get the call saying a loved one only has a short time left to live and you want to spend every waking minute with them and not think about work or what needs to get done around the house.

The time will come when 3 days off that an employer gives you to grieve is not nearly enough time.

The time will come when you want more than 4 weeks' vacation.

The time will come when you are so busy working, trying to make money, keeping up with what you think is “normal”, and saving for retirement, and then you wake up and realize you wasted so much time on things that truly didn’t matter in the end.

The time will come when you look back on your life and be filled with regret and cry tears of guilt and shame as you can’t stand the person staring back at you in the mirror because you got your priorities wrong.

The time will come when you are sitting beside someone on their deathbed and all they are filled with is regret wishing they had done things differently.

Then the time will come when you’ve had enough and decide to change your life and build a life that feels really good to you!

Whatever you choose to do with your life make sure it’s on your own terms and that you own your own time because, without time, you’re very poor.

So to the big dreamers and the entrepreneurs out there fighting for a better life and more time, keep going and never listen to the haters or the critics who can’t stand to see you shine.

You carry within you something they have yet to unlock for themselves… Love, purpose, peace, and fulfillment.

Only listen to that tiny whisper from within that is screaming at you that there must be a better way to life than this...

And there is.

But while the tiny whisper from within will call out to you for more, and give you all the action steps forward, you’re the one that will have to get up, face your fears, and do the work to make your dreams come to life.

It is 1,000,000% worth it.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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