Subject: It's not the money your afraid of losing....

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of… INSANITY.

It’s November.

And you know how you've been putting off business thoughts for the past few weeks because it’s been summer, then fall?

And before that, it was spring and COVID.

And before that, it was winter and…the holiday season?

You keep hoping something is going to change.

Next Monday. Next month. Next year.

But for something to change, you need more than hope.

For something to change, you need to commit to at least trying.

Sure, that comes with a lot of fear, but picture what would have happened in your life if you haven’t had the guts to EVER try something new?

Or to commit to your marriage, or to giving it your best every single day at work, at home, or at school?

Starting a business is anything but easy.

That’s a good dream to have.

But for this to happen you need to break the cycle of saying you’re going to do things… and end up not doing anything.

I get why that happens.

It’s fear.

Look, I was scared when I started.

When I first started my business I was scared. I was worried I would fail, and after many attempts and lots of work here I am able to live life on my own terms.

EVERYONE is afraid.

The difference between you and me right now is that I bit the bullet and committed to overcoming challenges despite being afraid.

And it’s scary and uncomfortable.

But that’s what it’s like to be a leader, a business owner, and most importantly someone with a big dream.

So, if you’re ready to stop the insanity and break the cycle of fear and procrastination, we’re rooting for you.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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