Subject: Imagine this...if you finally bought a dream home

It would start out like another day...

Another glorious ray of sunshine in the morning penetrating the slits of closed blind...

You head downstairs...

Down the brand new oak staircase...

Into the kitchen with your new marble tile...

You open the window to catch a breeze of nice cool tropical air...

But when you move towards the other window and turn the blind to open it...

You see one of the palm trees starting to shake in the wind which is picking up speed...

The green fronds are beginning to splinter...

You look at your window and see the sight of the incoming storm...

A black circular wave of death coming your way...

"How could this have happened?" You ask.

The storm was supposed to shift to the north...

But you didn't consider the size of the storm...and its huge radius of which would affect you...

Most everyone else prepared ahead of time when you weren't...

You quickly gather up supplies to retreat to your downstairs bedroom...

By the time you've gathered enough you return to the window...

The waves are beginning to flood the land outside your home as the ocean rolls in...

But the big wall of water on the horizon you see makes you freeze in terror...

This incoming wave is building in intensity...

It's the last thing you see before you head downstairs...

The sounds of broken glass, water flooding, and eerie wind seem to be forever...

2 days pass...

Until're able to come out...

The house was so well built that it withstood the storm...

But it's practically ruined from the inside out...and will have to be rebuilt anyway...

Isn't it funny how people only prepare for a "rainy day"...

Yet they don't prepare for a catastrophe if one were to happen...

All it takes is one crisis of health, wealth, or an economy to render a person completely helpless...

Regardless of how immune you think you never really exists...

Ask yourself...

Are you truly doing ALL you can to prepare?

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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