Subject: If you want change, you have to choose it....

You can create your own reality and really design your dream life.

We have 60,000 to 70,000 thoughts that go through our brain every single day and 90% of those thoughts that we had yesterday, we're going to have today as well.

So we have these thoughts that keep repeating and repeating, and when things like that keep repenting, when we have the same thoughts, they lead to the same choices, which lead to the same actions and behaviors, which leads to the same experiences, which leads to the same feelings and emotions.

And so in order to have these things change, we need to create the change ourselves.

So we need to get in there and create it.

You may have heard of "cause and effect".

So if I'm going to punch my hand, then the effect is that my hand that I punched is going to be sore and it's going to move. That's the effect of it. But I can move my hand without having anything cause it. I can create my hand to move by itself without me punching it. The same as if you're being pushed, you can move without being pushed.

So instead of thinking of, we live our life by cause and effect, we can choose to live by "cause and effect". Emphasis on the AN.

So we get to cause the reality ourselves.

Because here’s the thing, the reality you have now is because you have chosen it **ducking for cover from any fists that come flying our way**

Every single day, we choose how to live our life. A lot of it is chosen unconsciously because of habits that we formed through our childhood.

A lot of people are living their lives in an automatic way of habitual living.

But what can happen to the reality that we're creating, if you don't like your current reality, if you don't like the life that you're living, if you know that something has to change, then what has to happen is that we have to create that change ourselves.

We have to take ourselves outside of our comfort zones.

We have to put ourselves in situations that are a little bit scary.

And a lot of the time, new situations and things that we want to change, that's scary because we're not familiar with it, we're not comfortable with it.

All our brain wants is to keep us safe.

So when you try new things and a new way of living, what our brain wants to do is stop us and take us on the familiar path because that's what we're used to.

But if we took a different path and if we stretched ourselves and allowed ourselves to go a different way, we're going to learn different things.

So many things have happened now that has really shaken us up, especially just in this year. We've all been snapped out of our comfort zone, out of our habitual living and all of a sudden, because of that, we're more awake and we can see different ways of being and different ways of living now. So now we know we get to take that different action.

What new way of living will you choose?

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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