Subject: I have a serious question...(this might scare you)

I don't mean to frighten you with what I'm about to say...

Here goes:

What will happen to you in the coming months and years...

Here's my PREDICTION...

(Disclaimer: this is NOT tax or financial advice...Only a prediction of mine)

We're in a recession because technically for 2 consecutive slow growths of GDP in the first quarter of this year and the second quarter we're in a decline...

That means the potential exists for things to get up to 3 times more expensive in the coming years...

and the wages employers pay you won't be enough to keep up with the cost of living...

It also means mortgage rates could go so high that many people might be forced to look at selling...

Even if my prediction is wrong...looking after your financial future NOW will mean you're prepared for a storm that never happened...

But...what If I'm RIGHT?

If you're not set may not afford to live...

What would happen to you in the coming months...years...even decades...

It's frightening I know...

If I had stayed in the corporate world...I may have been destroyed by it...

A homeless person on the street could be worth more than me...

I don't mean to scare you...but this is the truth...

Are you prepared for this?

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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