Subject: I almost said No...

Here's an interesting phenomenon...

A lot of people thinking of getting into our biz have a burning desire to make things happen... are actually AFRAID to go for it.

They often say NO to things that could help them reach their goals (I've been there before, and almost said NO to the best business decisions we've ever made!)

They get mentally stuck in their comfort zone.

Even if there's nothing comfortable about their situation, they'd rather stay where they are.


Because FEAR stops most of us dead in our tracks.

Fear of success.

Fear of failure.

Fear of change.

Fear of the unknown.

This list goes on and on.

This is why no secret formula or some new tactic will do anything for you... UNTIL you can break through these mental barriers.

And what's the best way to break out of a mental slump?

We favor the idea of taking action.

Now some say you need to get your attitude right and feel good to take action.

But, we say that you can spend a lifetime meditating, pumping up your attitude, and getting yourself to feel good...


You can just take action based on how you want to feel and watch what happens.

Because in our experience, you'll actually feel much better about yourself AFTER you do what you know is moving you toward your goals and values.

And we also discovered something else...

It's a heckuva lot easier to take action when you're confident this action will bring you results. Instead of more spinning your wheels and feeling frustrated.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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