Subject: How to get out of a motivational slump...

Why don't you have what you want in life right now?

For most, it's fear.

Most of all, it's fear of rejection.

And before you say "But Carole, I don't have any fears...", consider this:

If you sincerely had no fear, you would have already talked to everyone in your life about wanting to start an online business. (That is IF you really believe in them)

So what do you do to overcome this subconscious fear?

Well, here's a great saying:

"Fear is a caution for real and present danger".

Most fear isn’t real at all… it’s really anxiety which is caution over an imagined and future danger.

The "danger" is being worried about what people think or how they’ll respond.

What if they laugh at me?

What if they look at me like I'm crazy?

What if they tell me I've been scammed?

The goal is to convert that anxiety to positive anticipation.

Since anxiety is something you just literally make up in your head, why not makeup something positive?

You can completely re-frame it and turn it into something that empowers you, not hinders you.

Instead of thinking they will react negatively, have faith that they will not only admire you for having the courage to pursue your business to achieve your goals and dreams, but they’ll actually appreciate you for reaching out to them.

Doesn't that sound a lot better than worrying about rejection? :-)

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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