Subject: How do you spend your evenings and weekends?

Here's the problem the masses have:

They live for the time of the week they're away from the highest place of service in their life...

Because they aren't really all that involved in what they're doing in this first place...

Maybe it's the people they work with, the amount of money they receive to do the work, or the lack of control they have in their life because of a boss they dislike...

Why does running a business never burn me out?

It's because when you run one, you're essentially writing your future...

THAT'S the real reason most business owners can "work" for so much longer than employees...

How inspired would be if you could:

earn what you want,

when you wanted it

having no one to report to

having location freedom to go anywhere

It's something most people are capable of...and most people would love to do...

But they either don't trust themselves or have not found the right vehicle...

How do you know If I'm telling the truth btw?

If I weren't I'd be an employee...

How much do you think you'd accomplish if you just trusted yourself?

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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