Subject: Hidden formula 🙂 Allow mistakes>allow success...

I should charge for this...(cause I probably could)...

To find success, allow mistakes but DO NOT allow failure...

One of the biggest problems people have is they allow failure...they permit themselves to try, only to quit if they don't win the first time...

I never gave up on the vehicle that was going to set me free...

You see I could never run a restaurant because it's too expensive...

I could never run a hotel because I never knew the right people...

I could never build an accounting firm because I didn't have proper certifications...

But when my vehicle came in an online business, I simply got on and created it in spite of setback after setback...

Because I knew that vehicle would give me the freedom I wanted once I got it working...

But I've never seen people that allow failure to be successful,

Like Yoda said: "do or do not, but there is no try".

So when you find the right vehicle, allow the mistakes to happen (just like in the movie) and keep going till you no longer fail...

The good news is, once the search is over all you need is time to make it work...

Success is easy once the search is over...

Just don't allow yourself to fail...

Message us back if you need the right vehicle!

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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