Subject: Here's why your brain is sabotaging your success...

Here's the problem.


We're evolving so quickly that our brains can barely keep up.





Work deadlines.





Video games.



That's some scary stuff for our brains.


You see - all the brain cares about is survival.


However, evolution hasn't done us any favors when it comes to living in these modern times.


When we try to thrive in modern society, we humans tend to manifest bizarre limiting beliefs.


Crazy beliefs that hold us back in:


Our business

Our relationships

Our health

Our career




Heck - these beliefs are so self-conscious that they impact your life every day.


And no matter where I go, there's always one belief that shows up time and time again.


It's "I'm not good enough".


"I'm not good enough to... be financially free"

"I'm not good enough to... be fit and strong"

"I'm not good enough to... be in a relationship"

"I'm not good enough to... be truly happy"


But here's the thing:


These beliefs are only true if you believe them.


Read that again. It'll take a few times to process it.


Believing something is true doesn't make it true. You see, the only reason many people think they're not good enough is that they're comparing themselves to the people around them.


Remember, it doesn't matter where other people are in their life.


The ONLY person you should be comparing yourself to... is YOU!

Are you better than you were yesterday?

Are you better than you were last week?

Are you better than you were last year?


Those are the questions you should be asking yourself... not a bunch of negative questions that elicit a subconscious negative response.


When you stop comparing yourself to others... you gain more confidence, feel happier and achieve more.


It gives you the mental space you need to grow your business and achieve all the things you want to achieve.


Think about it.


Why do most people fail in their online business?


Is it because they don't have what it takes? Of course not.


Most of the time, it's because they compare themselves to others and get frustrated when they can't replicate the exact same results.


(Even though they've only been in the game for one year and the other person has ten years of experience)


To have this lesson hit home, I'll leave you with one final thing:


Where you are right now in your business or thinking of starting your business, is a necessary step. Keep growing and keep pushing.


You'll get to where you want to be.

Chat soon,

Carole & Ron

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