Subject: Heard of the Marshmallow Test?

There was a study done by Harvard University in the 1970's....

A group of 30 teacher's put 30 child student's in 30 separate rooms...

...and they placed a marshmallow in front of each student...

They told each student that if they waited 15 mins when the teacher came back and didn't eat the marshmallow...

They would get another one....

So the teacher's left and waited...

Here's the result's:

13 of them ate the marshmallow almost right away...

8 of them waited 5-10 mins and did...

4 of them waited almost 15 mins and ate them...

Another 5 waited past 15 mins...

So the teacher's waited 20 mins...then 25 then finally 30...

2 of them still hadn't eaten the marshmallows...

They followed up with the same student's 40 years later:

Those same 2 were the most successful...

Those 2 weren't brought up the richest, nor tested to be the smartest, nor the strongest of the 30 student's...

But they ultimately were the most successful...because they were willing to delay gratification...

To do what you're MEANT have to do what you're SUPPOSED to...

Otherwise you'll make the rest of your life bland...

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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