Subject: Heard about the “Great Resignation”?

Have you heard about the Great Resignation?

Recently, a record 4.5 million Americans quit their jobs (article by Fortune).

Why? I can’t say for sure, but I have my guesses…

Maybe people are tired of not being paid a living wage or what they are worth…

Maybe people are realizing the system is broken…

Maybe people are prioritizing their family and health over a passionless job…

Maybe people are losing trust in the government, and placing that trust in themselves…

Maybe people want to leave their own legacy, instead of building someone else’s…

Whatever it is, I’m all for it. Americans and people all around the world are realizing, that THEY are in control of their lives.

And we only have one life to live, so let’s live it well.

We did and have never looked back!!!

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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