Subject: Have you ever thought this?

Have you ever thought to yourself:


"I’m just never going to get good at online business."


If so, you and I are kindred spirits.


I spent my first few years SO frustrated.


So disheartened.


So paralyzed with fear.


So down on myself feeling defeated.


Do I give up or keep going?


Here's the thing. It’s okay to want to give up. Because succeeding in business is HARD!


The key to achieving that success is to NEVER actually give up.


Let me ask you something...


Do you ever feel strong on the outside but weak like that on the inside?


I get it.


The journey to freedom will chew you up and spit you out many times over.


But today, I feel called to tell you this.


You can’t not get good.


You can’t not get ridiculously good.


You can’t not get mastery.


Here’s what I mean…


If you’ll just keep doing the work, keep learning, and keep investing in yourself, you’ll get good. You can’t not.


It’s like playing the piano. You might suck at first. But I think you’ll agree with me on this…


Assuming you had a piano mentor who was a master…


If you were to practice an hour or two every day for the next year, you’d get pretty good.


If you continued practicing an hour or two a day for two or three years, you’d get ridiculously good.


If you continued practicing an hour or two a day for five to ten years, you’d get mastery.


We all know that’s the case with a skill like playing the piano. But many somehow think it’s different with a skill like an online business that can earn a fortune and create the lifestyle of your dreams.


It’s no different. You just have to keep putting in the time!


You just need two things:


1.) A mentor who is a master.

You'll have legit trainers who you can learn from online and I’ll be there every step of the way.


2.) To practice every day.


Everyone can have #1 easily - but not everyone is willing to do #2.


The secret is to get out there and actually practice. Go do it.

PS: Ever dream of becoming a trusted figure for your prospects without using a shred of smooth talk or charm?


What's more? No slick sales pitches needed. This is a verified path to solid trust, turning you into a bona fide superstar.


Ready to up the ante?

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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