Subject: Good online strategies all taken? (No, not quite!!)

Most people believe all the good ideas are taken...

...that if they wanted to work online, the opportunity has passed them by

It's actually quite the opposite:

With more and more people online now it's become more accessible for the average person...

In much the same when cars were first produced, the Model Ts were revolutionary and cutting edge...

But the catch is, they were much older and primitive and owned by fewer people...

These days everyone has a car, yet the vehicles continue to upgrade and improve...

I've seen a lot of different strategies...but they require you to:

1- Have deep technical knowledge to hook up many different sites.

2- Require you to have a tangible product or service that will actually make you money.

3- A schedule that requires a full-time commitment to even get past the installation phase.

So you see, while the average person TRIES, they're still doomed to failure if an offer requires at least one of those 3.

...and this is to say nothing of scams which still make up the bulk of the online noise you still see around today...

Opportunity is greater than before, but you still need the right system in place to make money...

If you're willing to learn a tangible set of skills, you can be profitable...

I was one of the lucky ones that did.

Not all the good ideas are yet taken...

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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