Subject: Financial freedom (Method 9 of 10)

Method 9:

Join a fast-growing company.

Do you have a skill set that another employer can better utilize and pay more for?

Chances are it's because another company is better funded...led by an owner with more experience and if you get in could receive more money...

How success is created:

Admittedly, this is a fairly realistic plan for increasing wealth, and people do it all the time:

Change their employers.

What you need to watch for is this:

Market changes affecting your career can help you to go to a different location or to have a better boss with proven results.

Studying such things as market trends, the owner's past history, economic forecasts, and (possibly most important), looking for new and disruptive innovation...

Companies on the cutting edge are likely to become profitable...this means more payout for their employees...

What you should consider:

This is actually one of my favorite methods...

I worked hard for several years in nursing, real estate than in the oil and gas industry...

This prepared me and it was the reason I went out on my own:

I didn't want to wait such a long time to receive a higher wage or make an investment into someone else venture...I wanted to create my own...

This will be a nice lead into my personal favorite method starting tomorrow...

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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