Subject: Financial freedom (Method 8 of 10)

Method 8:

Save money.

To save money you need to earn enough of it and ensure that you don't let it leave.

Many don't save it, don't try to reduce spending of it, try to protect it from taxes, or simply try to earn more of it.

How success is created:

It goes without saying that this is often the biggest no-brainer of the bunch...

But most people don't make smart choices...

You can become literate with taxes, not make impulse purchases, and learn the skills to negotiate to make more of it but many simply don't bother...

What you should consider:

I'm biased perhaps, having an education through courses I've taken...

I never liked learning about numbers...but it was certainly useful...

The reason this rates so high on my list is because it's how I got my start:

It allowed me to buy my first home...

I worked really hard to get it and then invest in it.

Then ultimately help finance my business...

Money's like a relationship, ignore it and it'll ignore you...

It tends to flow from those who don't know how to respect it and keep it to those that do...

Saving money isn't sexy...

But it's still one of the best ways to create wealth at a time when many people need it.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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