Subject: Financial freedom (Method 6 of 10)

Method 6:

Become an investor.

This is a VERY wide berth of options...

It can be almost anything ranging from stocks to bonds, mutual funds, day trading, etc.

How success is created:

Becoming financially literate.

What you invest in and the knowledge you require to become wealthy depends on the investment.

The overarching principle however remains the same: invest in something the market wants at the right time and sell at the right time.

What you should consider:

The reason why this particular method comes halfway in the list is because of the challenge being an investor actually can be.

It takes a very strong and disciplined character to first learn and acquire the skills of being able to both invest, and then subsequently ensure they don't become frustrated and lose it.

Many people are known to blow money because they are trying to re-coop losses and become afraid and not scale up their profits out of fear of loss.

Still, many people have nonetheless proved to be successful.

This isn't really an avenue I've put much attention into tbh, as I don't care much for the risk and time expenditure of aspects of a market that are outside of my control.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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