Subject: Financial freedom (Method 3 of 10)

Method 3:

Become famous.

There are big-name stars created every day...

They went viral Online or are just being discovered on TV, the media, etc.

How success is created:

They are like commissioned sales reps...the fame brings in an audience and they essentially receive a commission for it.

Advertisers pay them and so do the big names with big wallets that back them to be put in front of a large group of people...

What you should consider:

This is where people miss the mark on becoming famous, essentially they don't have the support of big corporations willing to shell out capital for them to be seen...

and basically, a person runs out of time or money trying to grow a big enough audience to do so...

another factor is media saturation:

(ie: how many big-name stars can you name? the list seems to get smaller and smaller every year doesn't it?)

It's because it's much harder now to gather enough attention on a mass scale like this...

Only a handful of people control a large market share (ie: fans) to become really wealthy and famous...

It's doable...but a real long shot...

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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