Subject: Earning Money without Meeting in Person...

It's funny how some of the wealthiest people in the world don't...

It's this weird kind of paradox that happens when some people want to work online:

They do it because they don't really want to be "'people persons"...much less dealing with the more irritating and bothersome loathsome souls in their lives...

Yet in the world of business ALL businesses are people businesses...

Does it disqualify introverts?


Here's why: the way to make it work is to simply learn how to UNDERSTAND proper communication...

I personally find it easier to be able to sit down, compose myself and have the chance to get ready for a call or chat with someone...

Rather than a workplace with a bunch of random people I like and dislike thrown at me at once...

Despite what you may have heard/seen/or even experienced firsthand in the past, in the world of 2024 most people come to you...rather than you going to them...

So it's actually less stressful than a job in my opinion...people who I don't like and don't like me: we don't really give each other the time of day truth be told...

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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