Subject: EVERYBODY has a plan?

Hello there!

Have you ever noticed how many online marketers (#guru) adore inspirational quotes?

Between the Lamborghinis and Mansion photos, they always include a healthy dose of #widom in their social media posts.

But there's one quote, in particular, that has always baffled me.

It's the one with Mike Tyson that you've undoubtedly seen 1000 times:

“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”

Hold on - - -What?


Every week, I speak with struggling business owners. What's more, guess what? Almost none of them have a strategy in place.

They believe they do at times. But what they call a "Plan" is typically just a mix of shiny object syndrome and wishful thinking.

A REAL strategy, on the other hand, is quite different.

It provides clarity rather than confusion. Not Speculation, but Certainty. It tells you how to increase your revenue in a predictable way.

Are you looking for a plan that will provide you with that?

Because I'm about to share with you what I've learned over the past few years

Reply not this email to receive yours.

Let's get started.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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