Subject: "Dream as far as you can see, and when you get there, you can see farther."

When we first dipped our toes into network marketing, we aspired to lead a team of thousands of people.


Because that’s what most Guru’s tell you.

But there was a catch.

You Don’t need anywhere near that amount to be successful.

We've encountered scores of phenomenally talented individuals who grapple with that same hurdle.

As little as 12 Go-getters with the burning desire to be successful entrepreneurs is about all it will take.

Here's some advice…

Don't stress about conquering the summit right now. Instead, set your sights on getting started.

So, we encourage you to focus and commit to that next level.

You see, zeroing in on the next step is a heck of a lot easier than obsessing over thousands.

That next milestone seems within reach, and you’re fired up to chase it down.

Many of you reached out and are doing just that. 🙏

Your vision might not stretch far enough to glimpse the highest peak, but as you conquer each smaller mountain, the next one comes into view.

Here's a quote to sear into your memory:


"Dream as far as you can see, and when you get there, you can see farther."

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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