Subject: Don't let the pressure get to you!!

It's tempting, isn't it?

When you hit a wall or feel stuck, it can be very tempting to just throw everything out the window and start all over.

"Maybe if I start from scratch, I'll get it right this time!"

You don’t have to overhaul your entire business or life to make progress!


Small changes and consistency create big wins!!

Here are 9 of our best tips, ones we’ve personally implemented, to help you move forward and make a ton of PROGRESS!

1.) Eat well

2.) Exercise

3.) Sleep 8 hours a night

4.) Cut TV time

5.) Get some sun

6.) Read 30 min a day

7.) Connect with friends

8.) Start your day with a small win

9.) Work on things that bring you purpose

Looking to start a business or working your business right now!

These 9 steps will help to keep your mind, body, and spirit in the best position to propel you forward!!

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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