Subject: Do you have security???

..because tomorrow isn't guaranteed...

So logically that means you should just live for the moment and do whatever feels good at time?


You should be happy where you're at...but still be working towards something better..

It was a conversation I had a few years ago when I asked the question whether starting a business was truly worth it...

I was busy and only had the opportunity to work a business in small pockets of time...

It was pointed out to me that I should strive for something better even though I only had a few hours a week:

We don't know what's in our future...but sometimes what stops us from pursuing our goals is whether or not we'll actually have the opportunity to reap the rewards...

But if you strive for a better'll also enjoy the present...

You'll know where to go and what's in store...

That alone is motivation to keep going because you'll enjoy the process...

Once you enjoy the process of a goal it will make the victory sweeter...

...and your self esteem and what you grow into will also enrich you...

So much so that the end result will be a by-product of what you grow into...

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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