Subject: Do you believe this Law Of Attraction BS?

Patience, in itself, is never going to get you to the top.

In fact, too much patience repels any sense of urgency which means it's pretty unlikely you're going to create any real momentum in your network marketing business.

But hear me out.

You NEED patience.

But it needs to a very specific type of patience...

... AGGRESSIVE patience!

You have to be patient with your results, but aggressively impatient with your activity.

Your results in the beginning will be slow until you develop higher levels of skills which is why in these times, you need patience.

But patience is NOT sitting on your ass "manifesting" success.

So, let me clarify the subject line.

What I've said in this email is why I'm not a fan of "the law of attraction" as it was outlined in The Secret. You can’t just meditate on success and have it somehow magically come to you.

Success has to be aggressively pursued.

If you’re ready to get started?

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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