Subject: Discover your zone of genius....

....That's the key to life fulfillment...

Here's what lead to mine...

There are 2 camps of people:

One believes success is born.

The other believes success is made.

(I personally lean more to the latter than the former).

I was born in a hospital same as most...the difference is the conditions I was born into...

I was raised by a single one point it was difficult to even buy food...

This lead me to pursue my nursing I would never be in that situation...

The experiences of needing to be more self-responsible simply lead me to actually take more action:

I worked hard and saved everything I had to buy a home...

The experiences I had gave me the mentality and skillsets to overcome challenges, solve complex problems, manage stress, and be humble...

This, lead me to believe I was capable of achieving success once the right vehicle came along...

Make your zone of genius that which will help you change:

Do you lack fulfilling relationships and communication skills? A: Have more conversations with those that inspire you...

Are you worried about inflation eating away at your reserves? A: Learn and apply skillsets from mentors that can show you.

Do you want time and location freedom that you don't currently have? A: Find a vehicle that will permit this.

Make your zone of genius that which you're trying to fix...

and if you're the type of person who believes success is simply born and not made...go implement something till you're better than you were...

you can't get WORSE, can you?

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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