Subject: Consciously competent...

This is how I make money even when I sleep...

I’m consciously competent...

You have no idea what I mean, do you?

(I confess this will be a bit long but totally worth it to the end so stick with me)

It means that I can literally push some buttons, have a quick conversation, and make money on the internet...


The catch is: I had to do the work before I got there...

When I first saw the computer I was working on, I was so scared I almost cried...

It took me back to when I worked as a nurse and I could barely use the new system...

When I first started I could hardly use it and didn't realize how illiterate I was (I was UNCONSCIOUSLY INCOMPETENT)...

Then I started learning and realized I was always forgetting how it operated (I became CONSCIOUSLY INCOMPETENT...aware of my own shortcomings)

(It's at this stage a lot of people quit...and I was so embarrassed at the time I almost did...)

I kept going and finally figured it out...I remembered what the buttons did...(I became CONSCIOUSLY COMPETENT...finally aware of my competence)

and finally:

Enough time passed to where I became UNCONSCIOUSLY COMPETENT: you could put me in a blindfold and I'd know exactly what to do with no effort...

These 4 stages turned high school sports stars into pro athletes...

class clowns into celebrities...

and even novice business people into world leaders...

So now you're aware...(or should I say "conscious")

The next steps forward are up to you!!

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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