Subject: Conscious Entrepreneurs Will Change The World...

We have people join us from all walks of life

– stay at home moms and dads
– millennials
– gen X
– gen Y
– blue-collar laborers
– corporate workers
– ex network marketers
– online coaches
– unemployed
– from almost every country you can think of

Even though we have such a diverse range of people, what do most have in common?

We are all DONE with the status quo and have chosen to step into the new paradigm of Conscious Entrepreneurship.

Done with the status quo of finishing high school/college, going to University for a few years, getting a good job, finding a partner to settle down with and marry, have a couple of kids, and back to the job again.

It sounds pretty good on paper. It’s safe, you’re secure (or so you thought).

A lot of people have found that they just don’t fit into the status quo though, and have beaten themselves up because they just can’t seem to live that "perfect life".

You see, when people join us, it’s difficult sometimes for them to fully grasp the concept of something different because all they’ve known is all they’ve known.

The status quo has been drummed into them since they were children!

Also, it’s a huge breath of fresh air when you finally come to terms that there IS a different way to live life and that other people are actually going against the grain and doing life on THEIR terms, within a new paradigm of living and earning as a Conscious Entrepreneur.

When you join this community, you’re home, no matter who you are or where you’ve come from.

Because we believe in self-expression over toeing the line and we are committed to helping 1,000,000 people by 2025 live life on their terms, refusing to accept the status quo.

So whatever that means for you? We’re here to help you with that.

Conscious entrepreneurs are those that:

  1. Take full responsibility for their life

  2. Are committed to creating their best life

  3. They are committed to the awakening of humanity

  4. They are committed to giving back

  5. They lead with heart and soul

  6. They live by their values

  7. They aren’t just about "How much money can I make", they are more about "How much impact can I create"

  8. Someone who is committed to self-awareness and becoming the best version of themselves

  9. They want to leave the world a better place

  10. They know they are here to unlock their dreams

Those who are here to change and pave a new way.

The old paradigm of earning, leading, and living is done. Conscious entrepreneurs are leading the new way.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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