Subject: Can I take your measurements please?

Let's see how well this suits you:

Here's how to tell how well you fit the entrepreneurial mold...

Most people focus on the money, time, and location freedom most entrepreneurs enjoy...

While they might enjoy them after years of commitment...they aren't reasons to become one...

Here are the RIGHT reasons to become one:

  • You have a passion and love for contributing to the world and doing that inspires you

  • You have drive determination and patience...when others throw in the towel, you're more determined than ever

  • You like (if not love) to help your fellow man, and you show this in your integrity, honesty, and interaction with others

  • Failures don't defeat you, you learn from your mistakes to build your success the next time

  • You thrive in independence and come up with creative and intelligent solutions

I'm not stuck in a cubicle because I choose to think outside the box...

So how well do YOU measure up?

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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