Subject: Blueprint for Failure ( 3 Steps)

Step 1:

"When I feel like it" (this allows procrastination to occur)

Step 2:

"then I'll do it"...(usually when the pain keeps you from being at your most productive)

Step 3:

"then I get good at it" (you've allowed yourself not to succeed by giving yourself an allowance for it not to work)

"When I feel like it...then I'll do it...then I'll get good at it"

A well-thought-out game plan for failure...

Here's a simple game plan for success instead:

"I'll gonna do it...even if I'm not good at it...then I'll get better at it".

Then once you have'll NEVER stop...

to create financial freedom... just need some common sense...

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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