Subject: Become Life prepared: The "3G" formula...


Right off the bat, I'm dispelling the myth of "time", "money", and "health".

This is actually the formula that makes you live prepared:

Good Friends

Good Vitality

Good Opportunity

Good friends:

Do you want to know how money can fail you? When you don't KNOW everything.

It's tough getting through life having all the answers.

Having good friends to talk to is important, their knowledge and yours can create a win-win.

The mistake some make though is being reliant on others...remember: use others' knowledge to take action....not stay stagnant on dependence.

The wrong friends will waste your time, take advantage of you, and hinder your success (voice of experience on this) but the right ones can move you forward.

Good Vitality:

Many healthy people are actually dead (figuratively) in their lives.

They live about 80 years and never create or experience a whole lot.

To be vital is to be alive.

Challenge yourself.

Are you scared to try something? Put yourself out there and see what happens. Work a little longer or earlier.

I was usually first before other people...sometimes I made a mess in finances, relationships, etc but one thing I've always been is keeps me healthy.

Good Opportunity:

Ask anyone how happy they are at the end of their lives with all the money in the world.

Unfortunately...most would trade it for an opportunity.

What most people think though, is that opportunity is always being in the right place at the right time.

The creation of what you want simply stems from actually knowing what that is.

I guarantee you that you actually need minimal resources to make that happen.

Everyone can travel, learn, network, and do all the things right now to get what they want.

These 3 G's are how I stay life prepared.

Time money and health are my by-products.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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