Subject: Are you afraid?

"More specifically do you let your fears control your life?"

My mentor asked me this question once.

The difference between us and primitive caveman is this:

When they escaped/retreated from fear, it was because quite literally they didn't know if they would survive their environment.

He taught me to acknowledge my emotions and then confront what made me afraid by acknowledging the fear...

You see...most people have fears...but they drown them out with music, beer, tv, etc.

In doing so they don't acknowledge the defensive reaction coming up...

I channel my fear into excitement...they are emotions that are practically the same...

I don't suppress them...I acknowledge the feelings by channeling the energy into action...

If I let my fear stop me...

I'd still be stuck in a cycle of fear...

Take control of your fear...or it will always control you.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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