Subject: Are You Happy With What You Are Attracting In Your Life?

I was listening to an interview with Gary Vee the other day and he was talking about the importance of not complaining. I started thinking about why this is so important and it dawned on me...if we are complaining, we are pulled out of gratitude. If we are focused on what we don't want, we get more of - you guessed it - what we don't want.


If you are grateful for what you do have, whether it's that first customer or a roof over your head, you are telling the Universe: "Thank you. I gladly receive this." Then the Universe acknowledges that and intends on blessing you with more of it.

Take care of what you do have and ask for more. Focus on what you do want.

When you do that, you will be happier, you will have more abundance and you WILL become a damn good manifestor, too.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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