Subject: Are You Armed with a Teaspoon or a Tanker?

I can't help but contemplate the unique principle I've been pondering for some time - the Law of Expectation.

Here's what it tells us: Life serves up just about exactly what we anticipate from it.

Visualize life as an ever-flowing stream, brimming with possibilities. The quantity you draw from this stream is directly proportional to what you carry to it.

Bring a teaspoon, and life gives you a teaspoon of its goodness.

Carry a bucket, and you'll have a bucketful of rewards.

Or drive a water tanker to this stream, and voila! You are blessed with a tanker full of life's bounty.

Ironically, most of us falter in our business (and life, in general) due to our limited expectations.

 We're unconsciously programmed to expect a teaspoon of wealth, while in truth, we could have a full-blown tanker!

The same rule applies to leadership. A good leader instills people's trust in them.

But a great leader? Well, they nurture people's trust in themselves.

Great leadership is all about raising the bar of expectations - expecting tanker-sized results from your team, instead of settling for teaspoons.

Now, you might wonder, " How do we bring about this seismic shift in our expectations?"

Well, my friend, the answer lies in reconstructing your belief system.

It's about time to condition yourself to expect more - more from your life, your work, or your business. Just keep this philosophy in your mind, ruminate on it, live by it, and let it seep into your everyday habits.

Before you know it, this newfound belief will become an integral part of your subconscious. And once it does, you'll see your life's expectations start to evolve.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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