Subject: A thought about next year...

One of the best times, to let go of the past?

Is right now.

One of the best times, to see the future?

Is right now.

One of the best times, to decide what is next?

Is right now.

One of the best times, to reflect on your life?

Is right now.

For years, massive parts of our population are in a reflection moment.

In times like this, we can dwell on the past.


We can decide what is going to be the future.

However, I urge you to instead ask a different question

as you think about 2023...

What am I paying attention to?

And do I want to pay attention to that?

It might mean unsubscribing from an email like this.

It might mean deleting social media.

It might mean firing a team member.

It might mean a lot of things.


where our attention goes

our energy flows

and where our energy flows

our life reality manifests.

If you want a different reality

pay attention to something different.

It's that simple.

In 2023, what are you paying attention to?

Let us know!

Ron & Carole

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