Subject: A Psychotic Method of Removing Fear...

Do you remember the brand that was popular quite a while back called, “NO FEAR”?

People wore No Fear shirts and had stickers on their cars…

It was so powerful that people started to use it as part of their identity.

I never did get one of those shirts, but it probably felt empowering to wear. A bold statement to others that "I AM FEARLESS!".

Over the years, I’ve run across many people who share goals of having no fear. I’ve also run across many people who’ve told me they already have no fear.

Sounds like a great place to live in, doesn’t it?

No fear of failure...

No fear of heights...

No fear of snakes...

But here’s the problem…

It’s all B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T.

Everyone has fear. I do. You do. We all do.

If someone were to literally live with no fear, they would be considered psychotic.

Ultimately what we really want is to overcome the fears that can actively hold us back from achieving the things we want to achieve.

And listen, I’ve had plenty…

Still do...

If we can admit that we all have fears, we can start to overcome them instead of pretending they're not there.

I’ll share with you one idea that has been helping me…

Find a bigger fear to overcome the fear that holds you back. Here's an example:

I was terribly afraid of talking to people about my online business opportunity. But my fear of being average for the rest of my life was another fear. So I decided to make the fear of being average more powerful, and I used that fear to stomp out my fear of talking to people about my business.

My fear of speaking in public was pretty damn big, (and still is a little bit) but I decided to let my fear of being a coward punch my fear of public speaking in the face.


You have something that’s holding you back. It’s almost always some type of fear.

Rather than ignore that fear... acknowledge it.

Then dig deep. Find a more empowering fear you can use to kick the disempowering fear’s ass.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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