Subject: $6k / Month Working in McDonald's

 I'm about to share a golden nugget with you right now.


Now, it may seem like common sense... which it is... but as you and I both know, common sense is not so common.


So here it is:


The rich get paid based on results.


The poor get paid based on time.


Think about it. If you're working in McDonald's for $10 / hour, even if you were to work literally 24/7, you would still only earn $6,720 per month... before tax!!


If you wanna make a nice $80k per year, go get a job making Big Macs!


And that's IF you work literally every hour of every single day which would never happen anyway.


This is why being paid based on time is the biggest cripple on finances.


Realize that as long as you continue desiring to get paid based on your time, you will remain a slave to the rich.


I know in Network Marketing, sometimes it seems like you have no control over your results because of either…


A lack of skill in personal production

A lack of leadership (because your results are based on the production of others)


The good news is that both of those problems are solvable.


It takes time - studying sales, rapport building, communication skills, and closing skills…


The problem is with this you don’t have duplication.

When you get a mentor who can teach you how to duplicate everything changes VERY quickly.


It may be the one thing that changes everything for you.

That’s the difference between getting  paid on results and getting paid on time.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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