Subject: "5 Steps to Create Momentum"

"5 Steps to Create Momentum"

1) Change your beliefs This applies to us as entrepreneurs and business owners, sometimes we let old thinking guide our current paths. Doing this will restrict your growth, will cause you frustration as you see new technology arise and fight to remain to hold the rope. Of course, I want you to embrace new concepts, new ways of thinking, new ways of doing business, stretching out globally, a new way of networking.

2) Find the right spot.  There is a ton of negativity in the online space. People complaining about this or that, worrying and fighting...that's what I hear anyway. I just don't see it. It's not in my feed, it's not a topic of conversation for us in the circles I place myself in, and in the space, we create for our membership. Making micro-adjustments to who you spend your time with, what ideas fill your mind, what energy surrounds you will change everything for you.

3) Bring value to others. . We are all given different gifts to help the world be a better place. When connecting, when growing your business, don't hide those gifts. At times we can "sit at a table" be it live or virtual and share a thought that comes to our mind.

4) Stay focused. Learn to ignore stuff. Stay focused. There is so much noise and push for you to post here, speak there, share here, build that. You are one. Choose one message, one method, and stay focused. It takes courage, and many will tell you you’re wrong, but our growth will happen.

5) Invest in connections. I know what you are thinking. "Carole, you are selling a membership to help me build an online business, of course, you want me to invest..." ...and you can think that. Because you are right! Listen, nothing changed me more than changing who I knew. "Changing WHAT you know, which changes HOW fast you grow." as my connections evolved so did my opportunities.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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