Subject: 3 people you need most...

...that you don't likely have...

These people are:

Mentors: a person who is above you that can mentor you with a wider swath and range of knowledge that you currently possess...

Peers: referring more properly to those who are your equal that you often associate with...

Students: referring to people that you are beyond in skill and knowledge level that you can help mold and develop...

It's amazing how most people are missing just 1 (or even more) of these types of people in their lives...

Why so important?

Whatever skill you have...teaching makes you better...

...the only way to teach it is to already have people in your life that can teach it to you...

Sounds simple...but most don't operate like this...

Most people hang out with coworkers or friends in their lives both during working hours or off time...

and don't spend time mentoring anyone...

They're stagnant for a reason.

In my career, I learned from those superiors...bounced ideas back and forth from those equals...and taught new people new things...

I was always growing...the only hindrance was I was an employee...

If I wasn't capped by employment...I probably could've been able to continue to do so...

All 3 types of people I work with now change constantly...since I have to consult with people higher and higher up now to evolve...

As I evolve...the money and time freedom I get evolves with me...

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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