Subject: 3 Steps to your ideal day...


Wouldn’t it be great if we could all get paid to do something we love?

Wouldn’t it be great if we all had complete control of our schedule?

Well, today I’m going to show you how you can do that.

#1: Write Down Your Ideal Day

The first step to achieving your dream life is knowing what it looks like.

Some people want to work for a few hours in the morning and then have the rest of the day for themselves.

Others enjoy working but they want to make more and have something they can call their own.

For me, I wanted more time with my husband and I don’t mind working -

I just wanted to work from home so I can be with my husband and also be in my comfortable home office.

So write down your ideal day, and then let’s move to step 2.

#2: Look For A Business Model That Aligns With Your Ideal Day

Working for other people will almost ALWAYS give you less control over your schedule.

But when you build your own business, YOU are in control of your ideal day.

So once you know your ideal day, you can look for a business that supports that.

For me, I chose High Ticket Sales because once you’re set up almost all the work is done for you...

And I didn’t need to stock any physical products.

So I like this model because it’s built to give you more time and pay you more for the work you and your team do.

But there are also other business models out there you can look into.

Onto #3.

#3: Get A Mentor Who Has Built The Business You Want To Build

This is what most people never do...

They try to start things by themselves.

But that’s a big mistake.

When you try to do things alone you make mistakes that cost you your savings and YEARS of your life.

The most important thing to do when you’re starting something new is to get a coach or mentor to help you through the process.

And those are the 3 steps!

Hope these help you get started living your ideal life.

Chat soon,

Ron & Carole

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